This study will find out the fittest traits for your ideal friend. You will need to answer a few questions for us to generate your ideal friends' profiles, which you will then need to interact. Afterwards we will show you our estimates on their traits.
12160 people have taken this test so far.
following is a short summary of this study to help you decide whether or not to
be a part of this study. More detailed information is listed later on in this
Why am I being invited to take part in
a research study?
invite you to take part in a research study because you showed an interest in
taking part in our study.
What should I know about a research
• Someone
will explain this research study to you.
• Whether or not you take part is up to
• Your participation is completely
• You can choose not to take part.
• You can agree to take part and later
change your mind.
• Your decision will not be held against
• You can ask all the questions you want
before you decide.
Why is this research being done?
We are trying to understand how different interface designs can affect
their decision makings on online platforms.
How long will the research last and
what will I need to do?
expect that you will be in this research study for 15 minutes.
will be asked to answer a few questions about yourself and your ideal date or
friend, and then interact with several fictitious profiles that are generated
according to these questions. At the end of the study, you will be able to
learn your underlying dating or friending preferences.
Is there any way being in this study could be bad for me?
don’t believe there are any risks from participating in this research.
Will being in this study help me in any
cannot promise any benefits to you or others from your taking part in this
research. However, possible benefits include learning your preferences. Your participation in the study also
helps us understand how different interfaces can affect people’s decision
following is more detailed information about this study in addition to the
information listed above.
What is the purpose of this
study aims to understand how different interface designs can affect ones’
decision makings.
How long will I take part
in this research?
15 minutes in 1 time.
What can I expect if I take part in
this research?
You will first
answer a demographic form about yourself, and what profiles (men’s or women’s)
that you want to view. If you are a minor, this question will not
appear. Then you will answer a few questions as if you are your ideal date or
friend. The answers to these questions will reflect how you wish your ideal
date or friend will answer to these questions. These questions will
be used to assess one’s compatibility for making decisions. Then, you will read
the instruction for the next part of the study where you interact with
fictitious online profiles. You indicate whether you like them or dislike them
by swiping right or left, or clicking on the buttons.
You will also be able to read their profiles descriptions. After finishing
interacting with the profiles, you will be asked for feedback and shown your
underlying preference in a summary page.
What happens if I say yes,
but I change my mind later?
can leave the research at any time; it will not be held against you.
Is there any way being in this study
could be bad for me? (Detailed Risks)
don’t believe there are any risks from participating in this research.
If I take part in this
research, how will my privacy be protected? What happens to the information you
Efforts will be made to limit the use
and disclosure of your Personal Information, including research study records,
to people who have a need to review this information. In addition, no
identifiers are being collected. We cannot promise complete secrecy.
Organizations that may inspect and copy your information include the IRB and
other representatives of this organization.
Researcher Financial Interests in this
The researchers
have no financial interest in this study.
Who can I talk
If you have questions, concerns, or complaints, or think the
research has hurt you, talk to the research team at Zilin
Ma, Maxwell Dworkin 242, 33 Oxford St, Cambridge, MA
This research has been reviewed and approved by the Harvard
University Area Institutional Review Board (“IRB”). You may talk to them at
(617) 496-2847 or if:
• Your
questions, concerns, or complaints are not being answered by the research team.
• You
cannot reach the research team.
• You want
to talk to someone besides the research team.
• You
have questions about your rights as a research subject.
• You
want to get information or provide input about this research.
By clicking the "I agree" button you confirm that you have read and understood the above and agree to take part in this research. Your participation is voluntary and you are free to leave the experiment at any time by simply closing the web browser.
For the first part of the study, you will answer several questions. You will answers them as if your ideal person is answering them. The answers to these questions will help us generate profiles according to your preferences.
Your ideal person would say:
According to your answers to the previous task, we have prepared several fictitious profiles. The profile owners selected their profile picture and names by themselves. The interaction is simple: after you examine the profiles, including the profile pictures and descriptions, you make your decisions by clicking on the buttons or you can swipe left (dislike) or right (like).
Below is an example interface. Notice that the "info" button that is circled red below can help you expand the details to the profiles, and view the profile picture. .
According to your answers to the previous task, we have prepared several fictitious profiles. The profile owners selected their profile picture and names by themselves. The interaction is simple: after you examine the profiles, you need to make a choice between the 2 profiles. You can indicate your choice by clicking on the button below the profile.
Below is an example interface. Notice that the "info" button that is circled red below can help you expand the details to the profiles, and view the profile picture. .
This result is only an estimate of your ideal person's traits. For most of the time, people form connections with people through changes and uncertainty. This estimate only shows how you would form connection based on a small subsets of traits, and can only tell you a little about whom you will form connections in the future. Therefore, meet diverse groups of people as you can, and form great connections on the way!>
Thank you for your participation!
Before we continue to the results, please answer the following two questions: